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Study of Ferricyanide using Cyclic Voltammetry

Overlay of Cyclic Voltammetry data with different scan rate

This article describes an experiment for an undergraduate chemistry laboratory to introduce cyclic voltammetry prior to studies of more complex systems. It also serves as a general introduction to computer based instrumentation. Introduction Cyclic Voltammetry is an electrochemical technique for the study of electro-active species which measures the current that develops in an electrochemical cell under […]

Manual vs. Automated Titrators

Manual vs automated titration

Manual titrations for water, soil and food quality analyses are time-consuming, inaccurate and inconsistent. The primary input causing error is the technician. For these reasons, automatic titration is becoming a more widely accepted method of reporting. Unlike a titration manually performed by a technician, automated systems deliver accuracy, reliability, reproducibility, traceability, reportability as well as […]

Super-compact Potentiostat

Size comparison of GX102 and GX203 on palm of hand

Compact Portable Affordable Potentiostat for Biosensor Research Teaching Field Testing Electrochemical sensor and biosensor applications never been this easy. Solar Biotechnology is a Turkey based company manufacturing compact potentiostats for biosensor applications Galvanoplot GX102 is Super-compact series potentiostat and is the smallest electrochemistry interface on the market, just slightly larger than one cent. A true on-site analysis […]

Dust is the Culprit

AQSafe Continuous Air Quality Monitoring system by Scentroid

Dust is one of the main reasons for the malfunctioning of the scientific research instruments. This we experienced during the recent Corona Lockdown. The lockdown was enforced without any prior notice. The instruments were left as they were. When the researchers returned to the laboratories after the lockdown was relaxed, in many laboratories the instruments […]