Super Glove Box

The VTI Super Glove Box is commonly used in Research & Development Applications and Prototyping in Universities and Commercial Laboratories

This single workstation system is equipped with an integrated gas purification system (one column), PLC controller (with a touchscreen HMI), electronics enclosure, large and small antechambers, replaceable sight glass, and vacuum pump, Attainable purity of this system is H2O < 1ppm, O2 < 1ppm.

This system includes a large capacity purification system capable of adsorbing 60l of O2 and absorbing 2000g of moisture extending your time between regeneration cycles.


Closed Loop Gas Circulation

Inert gas in a closed loop. The gas is circulated by the blower and purifier, H2O, O2 can be removed continuously.

Auto Purging

The replacement of the atmosphere inside the glove box can be achieved automatically by the purging valves.

Automatic Regeneration

H2O and O2 removal material can be regenerated. The regeneration process can be program controlled.

Automatic Pressure Control

The pressure in the glove box is controlled automatically by the Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). Working pressure can be set either between +15mbar and -15mbar or between +12 mbar and -12 mbar. If the pressure goes over the set range, the system will be protected automatically.

Eco Mode

The vacuum pump will be activated automatically when necessary, and will turn off after a period of idle time. Blower frequency will be switched to 25Hz when moisture and oxygen level reaches to less than 1 ppm

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