Ultimate High End Modular Potentiostat Zahner Zennium X

The ZENNIUM X is a modular potentiostat / galvanostat including a frequency response analyzer (FRA). The ZENNIUM X potentiostat offers 32 bit DC resolution and 24 bit AC resolution across 12 different current ranges, which enables it to carry out outstandingly precise and accurate measurements. Nine extension slots allow versatile customization of the potentiostat for use in different fields of electrochemistry.

A list of main electrochemical measurements possible with the ZENNIUM X potentiostat is provided here.

  • DC voltage ranges: ±5 V and ±15 V
  • Current up to ±4 A over 12 current ranges
  • EIS frequency range from 10 µHz to 12 MHz
  • AC amplitude of 0 – 6 V or 0 – 2 A for EIS
  • Up to 17 parallel channels for EIS (4 PAD4 cards)
  • Switchable floating / grounded mode
  • ADF technology for fast CV (up to 10 kV/s)


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